We help support, plan, design and operate 

EEC has the experience and personnel to help support infrastructure development from the planning stage through design, construction, commissioning and into operations.

What we do

Options Assessment

Design Services

Construction Support

Operation and Maintenance Support

What we are all about

EEC is a specialsied engineering firm, providing support to the planning, design, construction, commissioning and operation & maintenance for infrastructure. EEC have worked on major projects from desalination plants through to small tradewaste treatment plants. EEC is able to provide supprt to all clients from design through the operations and optimisation.

They trusted us

EEC has been in operation since 1990 and has provided supprt and advise to numerous companies from Manufacturing to Water Authorities and Major Tier 1 Construction companeis.

Our Portfolio

Below is a selection of projects which EEC has delivered over the last 30 years.